



The Children Of Húrin (second version):

"while deftly was drawn Dairon's music,

with fingers fleet from flutes of silver."


"While Dairon's fingers played unseen
O'er his magic flute a-flickering"

装备描写,苏点<( ̄︶ ̄)>

The Lay of Leithian :

In sunshine and in sheen of moon,

with silken robe and silver shoon, 

the daughter of the deathless queen

now danced on the undying green,

half elven-fair and half divine;

and when the stars began to shine

unseen but near a piping woke, 

and in the branches of an oak,

or seated on the beech-leaves brown,

Dairon the dark with ferny crown

played with bewildering wizard's art

music for breaking of the heart. 

Such players have there only been

thrice in all Elfinesse, I ween:

Tinfang Gelion who still the moon

enchants on summer nights of June

and kindles the pale firstling star; 

and he who harps upon the far

forgotten beaches and dark shores

where western foam for ever roars,

Maglor whose voice is like the sea;

and Dairon, mightiest of the three. 

一百度黑的呆龙吓到了……这个dark并不是说他是dark elf,是说明他比较dark,嗯,我需要刷新一下对他的认识。

Now Thingol bade them all depart

save Dairon, whom he called: 'What art,

what wizardry of Northern mist

hath this illcomer brought us? List!

Tonight go thou by secret path,

who knowest all wide Doriath,

and watch that Luthien - daughter mine,

what madness doth thy heart entwine, 

what web from Morgoth's dreadful halls

hath caught thy feet and thee enthralls! -

that she bid not this Beren flee

back whence he came. I would him see!

Take with thee woodland archers wise. 

Let naught beguile your hearts or eyes! '


Silence then fell upon the hall;

like graven stone there stood they all,

save one who cast her eyes aground,

and one who laughed with bitter sound.

Dairon the piper leant there pale 

against a pillar. His fingers frail

there touched a flute that whispered not;

his eyes were dark; his heart was hot.


'Death! ' echoed Dairon fierce and low,

but Luthien trembling gasped in woe.






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